Our Services


Igniting consciousness, inspiring human potential, and creating paradigm shifts at both a personal and institutional level.

Consulting & Coaching

Consulting & Coaching

Quantum Neuro Reset Therapy (QNRT™)

Quantum Neuro Reset Therapy (QNRT™)

Insight Timer Practices and Courses

Insight Timer Practices and Courses

Bridge Builders Collaborative

Bridge Builders Collaborative


Consulting & Coaching

Maureen and Charlie advise high level, conscious, and heart driven entrepreneurs and leaders. Their consulting supports people to shift into the most authentic version of themselves, so when they grow their organizations, they are expressing something that is real and true.

Maureen also consults with motivated, awakening individuals who are seeking a deeper integration of their experiences. As a paradigm shifter, Maureen understands that the world changes as people remember their true nature, personal sovereignty, and authentic passion. Her holistic approach to consulting empowers people to confront their limiting stories and beliefs. In a loving and powerful way this work invites people to become embodied, attuned, and contribute within their alignment.


Quantum Neuro Reset Therapy (QNRT™)

Maureen is a Certified Advanced Practitioner in Quantum Neuro Reset Therapy (QNRT™), a groundbreaking modality that resets the nervous system and the way it responds to past hurts, pain, stuck emotions, and the many traumas people face throughout their life experience. 

Clients report moving through their old limiting stories and discovering their authentic truth. They become more grounded in the wisdom of their body and build their life as a lived expression from their integrated mind, body, heart and spirit.




Insight Timer Practices & Courses

Insight Timer is a conscious platform where Maureen is both an investor and a teacher. Her mental wellness work has a strong focus on embodiment, and these guided practices and courses will support you to integrate your body, mind and spirit.

Experience your innate wisdom and truth with guided practices such as: Embodied Self Love, Embodied Inner Energy Field, Embodying Mother Earth, Embodying The Flow, Embodying Unconditional Love, and more.

Bridge Builders Collaborative

Charlie’s primary work with ShiftIt Institute is as Managing Partner of Bridge Builders Collaborative. 

Bridge Builders Collaborative is a leading group of investors focused on start-ups in the space of consciousness, spirituality, and mental health and well-being. Since forming in 2012, the group has invested in 15 companies including industry leaders such as Happify Health, Insight Timer, Pear Therapeutics, Headspace, and Interaxon (makers of the Muse Headband). 

Besides personally investing in the start-ups, Charlie and Maureen work with these paradigm shifting CEOs as well as other entrepreneurs to support and mentor them and their teams, adding value to their businesses.



Get in touch.

What People Are Saying

“Maureen Pelton brings a rare intelligence to her teaching about spirituality. Many people do workshops on meditation, intuition and energy. But few present the sort of authoritative, active learning experiences that Maureen offers. Even skeptics can make significant discoveries in Maureen's classes.”

—  Monica, Minneapolis, MN


“Thank you, Maureen, I am now on a mission to become my true self.”

— Sue, Wyoming


“Maureen, you have seen me and heard me in a way nobody ever has.
I am deeply touched.”

— Catherine, New York

“Maureen is really something else, like a wise, sturdy tree. I reached out to her 2 years ago when the Co-Founder at my app company suggested I consult with her. I had never reached out for help like that before, but I was struggling in some areas, and working with her just felt right.

She helped me to remember my power and who I am. A lot of people can tell you how to stand in your power, speak your truth and give your gifts, but Maureen showed me how to do that. It’s not like she gave me the instructions, she just unearthed it in me.

I ended up leaving the company I co-founded to start a new business Mothering Awake, teaching Moms to meditate. I work 4 hours a day and make more money. There’s more ease in my marriage and I’m a better mother. I let my kids be who they are. Maureen just has a way of making people see. I recommend her to anyone who wants to live their highest potential.”

— Anna Gannon, Entrepreneur in NYC, NY

“I’m both a scientist, and highly intuitive. When I met Maureen I just knew, this woman has something to teach me. She has an embodied gift in knowing what is true, and helping others discover what is true. And then find the power in their truth so they can go and build a life where they are living in power, strength, and truth.

Maureen is magic, so you can just start with that assumption. Then you can be open to what she has to offer. I no longer sabotage myself or give my power away.

I can now ask for what I want and am open to receive it. I have discovered truth and empowerment through my body after spending most of my life in my mind. I realized the body has a magic all of its own, and when the mind is held in the body I am better able to do my work and use my mind.

Building a life based on being in my body helps me make better decisions.

I use my body as a compass. I even created an app called Choice Compass which is an app that helps people make decisions based on their body!”

Julia Mossbridge, Scientist & Founder, Sonoma, CA
