Why Mind-Training?
From an Eastern perspective, mind-training is any method that implants a set of ideas, perspectives, and experiences that work to dismantle habituated patterns of behavior, emotionality, and perception. For those who want to explore how human conditioning and our subconscious minds impact our experiences, mind-training applications can be a guide through the weeds.
Similar to how the physical fitness industry compiled years of science that led to new approaches to improve physical health, the field of mind-training is offering innovative methods to enhance cognitive, mental, and emotional health. Some of the benefits include:
Stress Reduction — decreased anxiety, improved sleep, less worry
Productivity/Focus — increased focus & retention, more energy
Self-Awareness — better self-care, less reactivity, enhanced relationships
With mind-training providing the cognitive exercises to become increasingly aware of how thoughts, emotions, and reactions impact how we engage with ourselves and others, we can practice and strengthen our capacity to transorm consciousness and to create conditions for well-being. Beyond the individual, I see corporations, health care providers, and the health insurance industry tracking the benefits for people and outcomes for orginizations. Some of the outcomes include:
Health Care Cost Reductions
Productivity Improvements
Employee Recruitment & Retention
Innovation, Creativity & Safety
Enhanced Team Work
Improved Customer Service
As the sciences accelerate, discoveries about the brain, mind-body connections, and consciousness will continue to create opportunities for further exploration. As a result, mind-training innovations that enhance our well-being and human potential will continue to expand into the emerging frontier.